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Meet Dain Dolan

Polaris intern group
Dain Dolan (pictured third from the right) with fellow Polaris, Inc. summer interns.

Student internship series

Over the summer, Ivy students engaged in a wide range of internships to add real-world experience to their resumes before they graduate. Meet Dain Dolan, who shared why a summer internship added value to his education.

Dolan, a junior from Mendota Heights, Minnesota, studying business analytics and human resource management, spent his summer as a human resources business partner intern with Polaris Inc. in Wyoming, Minnesota.

Dolan found this internship position through LinkedIn. He first connected with the company at the Ivy College of Business Career Fair Breakfast networking event before the fall career fair. In his class, BUSAD 2030: Professional Development in Business, Dolan was able to build his resume, and with help from Erica Peterson, academic advisor, he knew he was ready for this internship. After hearing incredible things about the program, Dolan applied.

“To secure a good internship you need to make sure you can represent yourself well through your experience,” said Dolan.

In his position, Dolan was responsible for conducting intern appraisals, streamlining metrics reporting, performing requisitions for the company, helping run the external Code2College program, researching competitor movements and requisitions, and supporting Polaris through the Organization Talent Review process. His favorite part of being an intern at Polaris was the Intern Summit event, where Polaris brought all 84 interns to the Wyoming, Minnesota research and development facility to ride the Polaris products and network with others.

“Being open to any opportunity and putting yourself out there is key. It is all worth it.”

— Dain Dolan

To students pursuing an internship, Dolan stresses the importance of gaining experience through joining a variety of clubs. Becoming a cabinet member exemplifies this experience. “Be an active member on campus, and you will make connections. Being open to any opportunity and putting yourself out there is key. It is all worth it,” he said.

To connect with Dain Dolan or follow his collegiate and professional journey, visit his LinkedIn profile.

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Internships open doors for business students

“We know from experience that internships lead to faster, higher paying employment. Our team of professional career coordinators is here to provide support and guidance for all Ivy students so they can secure internships and, ultimately, full-time employment.”

— Kathy Wieland, director of Business Career Services

September 11, 2024