Department of Finance, Ivy College of Business

  1. Alberto Martin-Utrera, “The Risk of Expected Utility under Parameter Uncertainty” (with Nathan Lassance and Majeed Simaan), Management Science, forthcoming.
  2. Xiaolu Wang, “Optimal Portfolio Choice with Unknown Benchmark Efficiency” (with Raymond Kan), Management Science, forthcoming.
  3. Tingting Liu, “Neglected Peers in Merger Valuation” (with Feng Guo and Danni Tu), Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming.
  4. Paul Koch, “Initial Margin Requirements and Market Efficiency” (with Lezgin Ay and Ferhat Akbas), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.
  5. James R. Brown, “The Growth of Finance is Not Remarkable” (with Gustav Martinsson and Bruce Petersen), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.
  6. Paul Koch, “The Other Insiders: Personal Trading by Brokers, Analysts, and Fund Managers” (with Henk Berkman and Joakim Westerholm), Review of Asset Pricing Studies, forthcoming.
  7. Tingting Liu, “Earnings Growth and Acquisition Returns: Do Investors Gamble in the Takeover Market?” (with Danni Tu), 2022,Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.
  8. Paul Koch, “Indirect Insider Trading” (with Brad Goldie, Chao Jiang, and M. Babajide Wintoki), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.
  9. Shaoting Pi, “Voting and Trading: The Shareholder’s Dilemma” (with Adam Meirowitz), 2022, Journal of Financial Economics, 146(3), 1073-1096.
  10. James R. Brown, “Can Environmental Policy Encourage Technical Change? Emissions Taxes and R&D Investment in Polluting Firms” (with Gustav Martinsson and Christian Thomann), 2022, Review of Financial Studies, 35(10), 4518-4560.
  11. Tingting Liu, “Peer Selection and Valuation in Mergers and Acquisitions” (with Greg Eaton, Jason Guo, and Micah Officer), 2022, Journal of Financial Economics, 146(1), 230-255.
  12. Paul Koch, “Overnight Returns, Daytime Reversals, and Future Stock Returns,” (with Ferhat Akbas, Ekkehart Boehmer, and Chao Jiang), 2022, Journal of Financial Economics, 145(3), 850-875.
  13. Tyler Jensen, “Do Funding Conditions Explain the Relation between Cash Holdings and Stock Returns?”, 2022, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 57(3), 1174-1203.
  14. Xiaolu Wang, “Optimal Portfolio Choice with Estimation Risk: No Risk-free Asset Case” (with RaymondKan and Guofu Zhou), 2022, Management Science, 68(3), 2047-2068.
  15. Tingting Liu, “Measuring institutional trading costs and the implications for finance research: The case of tick size reductions” (with Greg Eaton and Paul Irvine), 2021, Journal of Financial Economics, 139, 3, 832-851.
  16. James R. Brown, “Weathering Cash Flow Shocks” (with Matt Gustafson and Ivan Ivanov), 2021, Journal of Finance, 76(4), 1731-1772.
  17. Tingting Liu, “Rethinking measures of M&A deal premiums” (with Greg Eaton and Micah Officer), 2021, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 56, 1097-1126.
  18. Alberto Martin-Utrera, “A Transaction-Cost Perspective on the Multitude of Firm Characteristics” (with Victor DeMiguel, Francisco J. Nogales and Raman Uppal), 2020, Review of Financial Studies, 33 (5), 2180–2222.
  19. Tingting Liu, “Expectation Management in Mergers and Acquisitions” (with Jack He, Jeffry Netter, and Tao Shu), 2020, Management Science, 66(3), 1205-1226.
  20. Tyler Jensen, “Measuring News in Management Range Forecasts” (with Marlene Plumlee), 2020, Contemporary Accounting Research, 37 (3):1687-1719.
  21. Paul Koch, “Insider Investment Horizon” (with Ferhat Akbas and Chao Jiang), 2020, Journal of Finance, 75(3), 1579-1627.
  22. Tingting Liu, “Information Provision in the Corporate Acquisition Process: The Causes and Effects of Target Fairness Opinions”, 2020, The Accounting Review, 95, 287-310.
  23. James R. Brown, “Growing Up Without Finance” (with Tony Cookson and Rawley Heimer), 2019, Journal of Financial Economics, 134(3), 591-616.
  24. James R. Brown, “Does Transparency Stifle or Facilitate Innovation?” (with Gustav Martinsson), 2019, Management Science, 65(4), 1600-1623.
  25. Tingting Liu, “Vote Avoidance and Shareholder Voting in Mergers and Acquisitions” (with Kai Li and Julie Wu), 2018, Review of Financial Studies, 31, 3176-3211.
  26. Truong Duong, “Short Covering Trades” (with Ekkehart Boehmer and Zsuzsa Huszar), 2018, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 53 (2), 723-748.
  27. James R. Brown, “Law and Finance Matter: Lessons from Externally Imposed Courts” (with T. Cookson and R. Heimer), 2017, Review of Financial Studies, 30(3), 1019-1051.
  28. James R. Brown, “What Promotes R&D? Comparative Evidence from Around the World” (with G. Martinsson and B. Petersen), 2017, Research Policy, 46(2), 447-462.
  29. Paul Koch, “The Trend in Firm Profitability and the Cross Section of Stock Returns” (with Ferhat Akbas and Chao Jiang), 2017, The Accounting Review, 92(5), 1-32.
  30. Truong Duong, “The Information Value of Stock Lending Fees: Are Lenders Price Takers?” (with Zsuzsa Huszar, Ruth Tan, and Weina Zhang), 2017, Review of Finance, 21, 2353–2377.
  31. Paul Koch, “DRIPs and the Dividend Pay Date Effect” (with Henk Berkman), 2017, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 52(4), 1765-1795.
  32. Junyan Shen, “Investor Sentiment and Economic Forces” (with Jianfeng Yu and Shen Zhao), 2017, Journal of Monetary Economics, 86, 1 – 21.

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Department of Finance

2330 Gerdin Business Building
2167 Union Drive
Ames, Iowa 50011

Truong Duong

Interim chair, Department of Finance
Associate professor of finance

Jennifer Finch