Young Woong Park, assistant professor, has been honored with the title of senior member of INFORMS, acknowledging his dedicated involvement and contributions to the association.
Alec Dennis, assistant professor of information systems and business analytics, had a research paper cited in an article in The Wall Street Journal, “Why Introverted Leaders Are Ideal for the Postpandemic Workplace.”
Lingyao (Ivy) Yuan, associate professor of information systems and business analytics, was mentioned in the Mirage News article “Research: Consumers Spend More on Talking TV Products.”
Lingyao (Ivy) Yuan, associate professor of information systems and business analytics, was mentioned in an article on The Debrief, “Unlocking the Power of Anthropomorphism: How Products With Human-Like Traits Could Shape Your Next Purchase.”
Lingyao (Ivy) Yuan, associate professor of information systems and business analytics, organized a workshop, “Facing the Future: Implementing AI-Powered Digital Humans Across Disciplines,” at the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Rui Chen, Dean’s Fellow in Information Systems and professor of information systems and business analytics, was invited to the annual MIS Academic Leadership Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The event was hosted by the Fox School of Business at Temple University.
Young Woong Park, assistant professor of information systems and business analytics, had his paper, “Coarsened Robust and Inclusive Matching Method,” accepted at the INFORMS Workshop on Data Science. The paper is one of the Best Paper Award nominees and is co-authored with Kangbok Lee (Auburn University) and Yeasung Jeong (State University of New York at Albany).
Abhay Mishra, Kingland Systems Business Analytics Faculty Fellow and associate professor of information systems and business analytics:
- Had his paper, “Illicit Drug Supply Chains and Information Systems,” accepted for Technology, Research, Education, and Opinion (TREO) Talks at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), which will be held in December in Hyderabad, India.
- Will be a co-organizer of the 2024 Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), which will be held in Seattle, Washington. CIST is organized by the Information Systems Society, which is affiliated with INFORMS.
Rui Chen, Dean’s Fellow in Information Systems and professor of information systems and business analytics, had his paper, “A Computational Framework for Understanding Firm Communication During Disasters,” accepted for publication in Information Systems Research.
Abhay Mishra, Kingland Systems Business Analytics Faculty Fellow and associate professor of information systems, had a paper accepted at the 2023 Conference of Information Systems and Technology (CIST). The paper “From Protests to Platforms: Impact Dynamics of Black Lives Matter on Airbnb Listing Performance” was co-authored with Tong Xu and Angela Lu (City University of Hong Kong). CIST is organized by the Information Systems Society under the aegis of INFORMS.
Tim Su, PhD student, had his paper, “IT Capabilities and Exploratory Innovation of Tech-M&A,” accepted for presentation at the 2023 Conference of Information Systems and Technology (CIST). The paper was co-authored with Manjot Bhussar, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, and Abhay Mishra.
Lingyao (Ivy) Yuan, associate professor of information systems and business analytics and director of graduate education for business analytics, attended the 2023 Americas Conference on Information Systems in Panama City, Panama. She served as a panelist on “Research on AI in a Rapidly Changing World,” as the mini-track chair for “AI Agents,” and as the session chair for “AI Agents and Human Interaction.”
Cheng Nie, assistant professor of information systems and business analytics, had a paper, “Firm Competitive Structure and Consumer Reaction in Search Advertising,” accepted for publication in the Journal of the Association for Information Systems. The paper was coauthored with Zhiqiang (Eric) Zheng and Sumit Sarkar, both from University of Texas at Dallas.
Young Woong Park, assistant professor of information systems and business analytics, presented his work, “Robust and Inclusive Matching: A Mixed Integer Linear Program Approach,” at seminars at Yonsei University (School of Business) and Korea University (School of Industrial and Management Engineering) in Seoul, Korea.
Cheng Nie, assistant professor of information systems and business analytics, had a paper, “How Online Information Influences Offline Transactions: Insights from Digital Real Estate Platforms,” accepted for publication in Information Systems Research. The paper was co-authored with Zhengrui Jiang (previously at Iowa State University, now at Nanjing University); Arun Rai (Georgia State University); Hua Sun, associate professor of finance; and Yuheng Hu (University of Illinois Chicago).
Abhay Mishra, Kingland Systems Business Analytics Faculty Fellow, and co-authors Jennifer Kendziorra, Anne-Katrin Witte, Till Winkler, Yu Tong, and Juhee Kwon had their paper, “The Quest for Agility at the National Level: Digital Responses to Covid-19 in Five Countries,” accepted for publication in Communications of the Association for Information Systems. This work benefited greatly from a workshop that Abhay organized at the Ivy College of Business in October 2018.