College Leadership
David P. Spalding
Raisbeck Endowed Dean
Ivy College of Business
Raisbeck Endowed Dean
Ivy College of Business
David P. Spalding
David P. Spalding is the Raisbeck Endowed Dean and a professor of finance for the Ivy College of Business. He also serves as vice president of Economic Development and Industry Relations at Iowa State University.
Before joining Iowa State in 2013, he served for eight years at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, most recently as senior vice president and senior advisor to Dartmouth’s president. Before entering higher education, Spalding had a 29-year career in finance in New York City. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth and his MBA from New York University.
Executive assistant:
Monica Sasse -
Valentina Salotti
Associate Dean
Academic affairs
Associate Dean
Academic affairs
Valentina Salotti
Valentina Salotti is the associate dean for academic affairs and the Kingland MBA Professor.
She leads all undergraduate academic programs and the professional master’s programs, undergraduate and graduate student services, Business Career Services, the Writing and Speaking Center, and study abroad programs at the college. Her research has been published in premiere academic journals in banking and finance, such as the Journal of Corporate Finance and the Journal of Banking and Finance. Before joining Iowa State University in 2008, she was a doctoral candidate in banking and finance at the University of Bologna, Italy, where she received her PhD.
Julie Devine -
Huifang Mao
Interim Associate Dean
Research and academic personnel
Interim Associate Dean
Research and academic personnel
Huifang Mao
Huifang Mao is the interim associate dean for research and academic personnel and the Raisbeck Professor in Business.
She is a professor of marketing and oversees faculty research, the PhD program, faculty personnel issues, and IT. Her research focuses on consumer behavior in general, with specific interests in social perceptions, information construal, and brand extensions. Her work has been published in top marketing journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, and Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. She earned her PhD at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.
Beth Hinson -
Natallia Gray
Assistant Dean
Ivy College of Business
Assistant Dean
Ivy College of Business
Natallia Gray
Natallia Gray is the assistant dean for the Ivy College of Business.
She oversees undergraduate and graduate healthcare programs, assurance of learning for graduate programs, and student participation in case competitions. She is an associate teaching professor in management and entrepreneurship. She teaches courses on healthcare economics and healthcare quality management. Her research interests include health economics, policy, and behavior. Her work has been published in Health Services Research, Economic Analysis and Policy, and the Journal of Health Administration Education. Before joining Iowa State University, she was a faculty member at Southeast Missouri State University. She earned her master’s and PhD in health economics from the University of South Florida.
Raj Agnihotri
Assistant Dean
Industry engagement
Assistant Dean
Industry engagement
Raj Agnihotri
Raj Agnihotri is a Morrill Professor, Mary Warner Fellow, and assistant dean for Industry Engagement at the Ivy College of Business.
A professor of marketing, he is considered a global authority in digital mediation within business-to-business marketing and sales processes. He joined the Ivy College of Business in 2018 to help the college create a sales program. In his role, he leads the Ivy Custom Education program and the Ivy Sales Forum. He was recently honored with the prestigious Morrill Professor title for excellence in teaching and industry outreach programs. He has been actively involved in executive education and has guided hundreds of industry professionals from North America, Brazil, Europe, and India. He has done training and consulting work with dozens of organizations in the past decade, including PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Cleveland Clinic, Iowa Department of Public Health, Wipro, KENT Corporation, Vermeer Corporation, etc.
Ivy Department Chairs
Dirk E. Black
Accounting Department Chair
Ivy College of Business
Accounting Department Chair
Ivy College of Business
Dirk E. Black
Dirk E. Black is the chair of the Department of Accounting and the Donna J. Fuller Professor of Accounting.
His research focuses on performance measurement and evaluation and has been published in leading journals, including Contemporary Accounting Research and Management Science. Before joining Iowa State University, he was an associate professor at the School of Accountancy at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, where he held the Forvis Professorship. He started his faculty career at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. He earned his PhD at Duke University and his master’s and bachelor’s degrees at Brigham Young University.
Jennifer Finch -
Truong Duong
Finance Department Interim Chair
Ivy College of Business
Finance Department Interim Chair
Ivy College of Business
Truong Duong
Truong Duong is the interim chair of the Department of Finance.
Before joining Iowa State University, he was a faculty member at the National University of Singapore (NUS). His research explores topics in short selling and mutual funds. His work has been published in leading academic journals, including the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, the Review of Finance, and the Journal of Corporate Finance. He earned his PhD from the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Jennifer Finch -
Kevin Scheibe
Information Systems and Business Analytics Department Chair
Ivy College of Business
Information Systems and Business Analytics Department Chair
Ivy College of Business
Kevin Scheibe
Kevin Scheibe is the chair of the Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics and the Union Pacific Professor for Information Systems and Business Analytics.
His research interests include business analytics, IT privacy and security, supply chain risk, spatial decision support systems, wireless telecommunications, and IT outsourcing. His work has been published in Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems, International Journal of Production Research, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. He earned his MBA from California State University and his PhD from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Kristina Happel
Scott Johnson
Management and Entrepreneurship Department Interim Chair
Ivy College of Business
Management and Entrepreneurship Department Interim Chair
Ivy College of Business
Scott Johnson
Scott Johnson is the interim chair of the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship and the Thome Professor in Business.
He leads a department of over forty faculty members that offers four different undergraduate degrees – Management, Entrepreneurship, Healthcare Management, and Human Resource Management. His research focuses on corporate governance, managerial cognition, the philosophy of science, and research methods. He has published in journals such as the Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management, and Journal of Management Studies. He earned his PhD at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota.
Alyssa Maldonado -
Sekar Raju
Marketing Department Chair
Ivy College of Business
Marketing Department Chair
Ivy College of Business
Sekar Raju
Sekar Raju is the chair of the Department of Marketing and the Gerald and Margaret Pint Faculty Fellow.
Before joining Iowa State University, he was a faculty member at the University at Buffalo, New York (SUNY). His research examines topics in consumer-brand relationships, consumer food choices, and advertising effects. His work has been published in leading academic journals in marketing including the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Consumer Research, and the Journal of Consumer Psychology. He earned his master’s and PhD from The Ohio State University.
Alyssa Maldonado -
Haozhe Chen
Supply Chain Management Department Chair
Ivy College of Business
Supply Chain Management Department Chair
Ivy College of Business
Haozhe Chen
Haozhe Chen is the chair of the Department Supply Chain Management and the Walker Professor in Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
He has a distinguished career as a researcher and teacher, and has been heavily involved in both faculty and student mentoring. His research has been published in prestigious journals, such as Transportation Journal, Journal of Business Logistics, and International Journal of Logistics Management, among others. His areas of expertise include supply chain integration, supply chain relationships, International logistics, and reverse logistics. He received his bachelor’s degree from Anhui University (Hefei, China), his MBA from the University of Alabama, and his PhD from the University of Oklahoma.
Kristina Happel
Ivy College of Business
Gerdin Business Building
2167 Union Drive
Ames, IA 50011