Ivy Profile

(515) 294-6231
Dr. Mishra is Professor and endowed Kingland Systems Business Analytics Faculty Fellow at the Debbie and Jerry Ivy College of Business at Iowa State University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin, his M.B.A. from XLRI Jamshedpur, India, and his B.Tech from the National Institute of Technology, Surathkal, India.
Dr. Mishra’s research interests and expertise include Digital Health and Analytics; Sharing Economy, Platforms and Crowds; IT Use, Productivity, Economic Impacts and Business Value; Artificial Intelligence, Decision-Making and Work; Digital Processes and Operational Impacts; IT Capabilities, Strategy and Firm Performance; Digital Transformation and Economic Development of Countries; and Digital Innovations and Societal Implications. He has published extensively on many of these topics in premier journals and conferences in information systems, business analytics, operations management and healthcare. He has collaborated extensively with prestigious organizations and researchers worldwide. His research has been funded by organizations in North America, Europe, and Asia. His research has impacted practices in public-sector organizations, private corporations, and not-for-proft organizations in such sectors as long-term care, hospitals, public health provision, blood donation, pharmaceuticals, consumer durables, and financial services. His research has been referenced in Yahoo! Finance, CNBC, Business Wire, Insurance News Net, Healthcare Financial Management Association, phys.org, Sciencedaily, Iowa State News, Iowa State VP Research, and others. His papers have received best paper awards at conferences and he has received multiple research awards and grants.
Dr. Mishra has taught a variety of information systems, health care, analytics and operations management courses to undergraduate, MBA, MSA, MHA, doctoral, and Executive MBA students. He has received teaching and mentorship awards at Iowa State University, Georgia State University, and Carnegie Mellon University. He has developed a number of courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels. He has worked with graduate students to deliver industry-sponsored projects. He has helped design and restructure curricula at the doctoral and master's levels. He has served as an advisor for undergraduate honors students. He enjoys mentoring students at every level.
Dr. Mishra has been serving as an Associate Editor at Information Systems Research since January 2023. He has also been serving on the editorial board of the Journal of the Association of Information Systems since January 2024. He served as an Associate Editor at MIS Quarterly during 2016-2020, and was on the editorial board of the Journal of the Association of Information Systems during the same period. He has provided significant institutional service related to graduate program creation, curriculum restructuring, and industry outreach.
Academic History
- Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin, 2003
- MBA, Xavier Labor Relations Institute, Jamshedpur, India, 1996
- B. Tech, National Institute of Technology, Surathkal, India, 1993
Academic Work Experience
- IT Use, Economic Impacts and Business Value
- Digital Health and Analytics
- Sharing Economy, Platforms and Crowds
- Artificial Intelligence, Decision-Making and Work
- Digital Processes and Operational Impacts
- IT Capabilities, Strategy and Firm Performance
- Digital Transformation and Economic Development of Countries
- Digital Innovations and Societal Implications
Selected Publications
- Mishra, A., Tao, Y., Vo, A., Wu, D., Lin, J., Seal, K., & Brahma, A. (forthcoming) "Impact of Telehealth on Health Disparities Associated With Travel Time to Hospital for Patients With Recurrent Admissions: 4-Year Panel Data Analysis", Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26:e63661. Link to Paper
- Kendziorra, J., Witte, A. K., Winkler, T. J., Tong, Y., Kwon, J., & Mishra, A. N. (2023) "The Quest for National Digital Agility: Digital Responses to Covid-19 in Five Countries", Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), 53 (1):767-795. Link to Paper
- Söllner, M., A. N. Mishra, J-M. Becker, J. M. Leimeister. (2024) "Use IT again? Dynamic roles of habit, intention and their interaction on continued system use by individuals in utilitarian, volitional contexts.", European Journal of Information Systems, 33 (1):80-96. Link to Paper
- Weinmann, M., Mishra, A. N., Kaiser, L. F., & vom Brocke, J. (2023) "The Attraction Effect in Crowdfunding", Information Systems Research, 34 (3)Link to Paper
- Montanera, D., A. N. Mishra, T. S. Raghu. (2021) "Mitigating risk selection in health care entitlement programs: A beneficiary-level competitive bidding approach.", Information Systems Research, 25 (4):394-415. Link to Paper
- Mishra, A. N., Y. Tao, M. Keil, J. (Cath) Oh. (2022) "Functional IT complementarity and hospital performance in the United States: A longitudinal investigation.", Information Systems Research, (accepted August 2021); 33 (1):55-75. Link to Paper
- Tao, Y., Mishra, A., Masyn, K. E., & Keil, M. (2022) "Addressing change trajectories and reciprocal relationships: A longitudinal method for information systems research", Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 50 (1):22. Link to Paper
- Burton-Jones, A., Stein, M-K., & Mishra, A. N. (2018) "IS Use", MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, Link to Paper
- Singh, R., Mathiassen, L., & Mishra, A. (2015) "Organizational path constitution in technological innovation: Evidence from rural telehealth.", MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, 39 (3):643-665. Link to Paper
- Yu, S., Mishra, A. N., Gopal, A., Slaughter, S., & Mukhopadhyay, T. (2015) "E-procurement infusion and operational process impacts in MRO procurement: Complementary or substitutive effects?", Production and Operations Management, 24 (7):1054-1070. Link to Paper
- Mishra, A. N., Ketsche, P., Marton, J., Snyder, A., & McLaren, S. (2014) "Examining the potential of information technology to improve public insurance application processes: Enrollee assessments from a concurrent mixed method analysis.", 21 (6):1045-1052. Link to Paper
- Bhargava, H., & Mishra, A. N. (2014) "Electronic medical records and physician productivity: Evidence from panel data analysis.", Management Science, 60 (10):2543-2562. Link to Paper
- Mishra, A. N., S. Devaraj, G. Vaidyanathan. (2013) "Capability hierarchy in electronic procurement and procurement process performance: An empirical analysis.", Journal of Operations Management, 31 (6):376-390. Link to Paper
- Devaraj, S., G. Vaidyanathan, A. N. Mishra. (2012) "Effect of purchase volume flexibility and purchase mix flexibility on e-procurement performance: An analysis of two perspectives.", Journal of Operations Management, 30 (7-8):509-520. Link to Paper
- Mishra, A. N., C. Anderson, C. M. Angst, R. Agarwal. (2012) "Electronic health records assimilation and physician identity evolution: An identity theory perspective.", Information Systems Research, 23 (3, Part 1 of 2):738-760. Link to Paper
- Mishra, A. N., R. Agarwal. (2010) "Technological frames, organizational capabilities, and IT use: An empirical investigation of electronic procurement.", Information Systems Research, 21 (2):249-270. Link to Paper
- Mishra, A. N., P. Konana, A. Barua. (2007) "Antecedents and consequences of Internet use in procurement: An empirical investigation of U.S. manufacturing firms.", Information Systems Research, 18 (1):103-120. Link to Paper