Ivy Profile

profile image of Andreas Schwab

Andreas Schwab

Title: Dean's Faculty Fellow in Management / Director of Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Programs / Professor
Department: Management and Entrepreneurship
Office: 3129 Gerdin

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Andreas Schwab is an Associate Professor, Director Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Programs, and Dean's Fellow in the Ivy College of Business at Iowa State University. He studies multilevel learning in entrepreneurial ecosystems focused on digital platforms, project ventures and women entrepreneurs. He is also engaged in initiatives to advance methodological practices in the management field by promoting alternatives to statistical significance tests, introducing scholars to Bayesian statistics and supporting replications. His research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, American Journal of Sociology, Journal of Business VenturingEntrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Organization Science, Strategic Organization, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Industrial and Corporate Change, Industrial Relations, Family Business Review, Group & Organization Management and other outlets. He serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of ManagementOrganization Research Methods, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Journal of Management Scientific ReportsGroup and Organization Management, Asian Journal of Technology Management,  and Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. He is a former senior contributing editor of Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice.  He also serves as senior editor for panels and workshops at the Consortium for the Advancement Research Methods & Analysis (CARMA). He is a member of the executive board of the Research Method Division of the Academy of Management and is an Ambassador of the Center of Open Science. He has received external research funding from the U.S Fulbright Program, Australian Research Council, U.S. Office of Naval Research, National Science Foundation, CIBER, and others. He received his Ph.D. in management from the University of Wisconsin - Madison.

Academic History

  • Ph.D., Management & Human Resources, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2000
  • Diploma, Business Administration, Mannheim University, Germany, 1991
  • MBA, Business Administration, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, 1987
  • Pre-Diploma, Business Administration and Economics, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, 1985

Academic Work Experience

Visiting Senior Fulbright Scholar
Institute of Technology Bandung - Indonesia
2017 - 2018

Visiting Senior Fulbright Scholar
Institute of Technology Bandung - Indonesia
2013 - 2014


  • Corporate Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Organizational Learning
  • Entrepreneurship in Digital-Platform Ecosystems, High-Speed Learning, and Star Entrepreneurs
  • Entrepreneurship Gender, Race and Culture
  • Research Methodology: Bayesian Statistics, Replications, Empirical Analyses Beyond Statistical Significance


Fulbright Senior Scholar Award (Indonesia) 2013
Best Macro-Paper published in Group & Organization Management 2017
Fulbright Senior Scholar Award (Indonesia) 2017

Professional Licenses and Certifications

Design Thinking Facilitator/Instructor certified by Experience.Point/IDEO

Selected Publications

  • Schwab, A. & Starbuck W. H. (forthcoming) "How Muriel’s Tea Stained Management Research Through Statistical Significance Tests", Journal of Management Inquiry, Link to Paper
  • Zhang, W., Zhang, J. & Schwab, A. (2024) "Interorganizational Triads for Foreign-Market Entry: Partnerships Among Western, Bridge-Economy, and Local VCs in Mainland China", Journal of Business Venturing, 39 (1)Link to Paper
  • Gala, K., Schwab, A., & Mueller, B. (2024) "Star entrepreneurs on digital platforms: Heavy-tailed performance distributions and their generative mechanisms", Journal of Business Venturing, 39 (1):106347. Link to Paper
  • Rider, C., Wade, J., Swaminathan, A. & Schwab, A. (2023) "Racial Disparity in Leadership: Evidence of Valuation Bias in the Promotions of National Football League Coaches", American Journal of Sociology, 129 (1):227-75. Link to Paper
  • Schwab, A., Aguinis, H., Bamberger, P., Hodgkinson, G. P., Shapiro, D. L., Starbuck, W. H., & Tsui, A. S. (2023) "How Replication Studies Can Improve Doctoral-Student Education", Journal of Management Scientific Reports, 1 (1):18-41. Link to Paper
  • A. Schwab (2022) "Women Social Entrepreneurs in a Muslim Society: How to Manage Patriarchy and Spouses", Social Enterprise Journal, 18 (4):660-690. Link to Paper
  • Fan, T., Schwab, A. & Geng, X. (2021) "Habitual Entrepreneurship in Digital Platform Ecosystems: A Time-Contingent Model of Learning from Prior Software Project Experiences.", Journal of Business Venturing, 36 (5):106-140. Link to Paper
  • Schwab, A. & Starbuck, W. H. (2017) "A Call for Openness in Research Reporting: How to Turn Problematic Practices into Helpful Tools", Academy of Management Learning and Education, Link to Paper , Journal link
  • Zhang, W., Zhang, J., Schwab, A. & Zhang, S. (2017) "Institutional Environment and IPO Strategy: A Study of ChiNext in China", Management and Organization Review, Link to Paper , Journal link
  • Schwab, A., Werbel, J., Hofman, H. & Henriques, P. (2016) "Managerial Gender Diversity and Firm Performance: An Integration of Different Theoretical Perspectives", Group and Organization Management, 41 (1):5-31. Link to Paper , Journal link
  • Schwab, A., Abrahamson, E., Starbuck, W. H., & Fidler, F. (2011) "Researchers Should Make Thoughtful Assessments Instead of Null-Hypothesis Significance Tests", Organization Science, 22 (4):1105-1120. Link to Paper , Journal link
  • Schwab, A. & Miner, A. S. (2008) "Learning in Hybrid-Project Systems: The Effects of ProjectPerformance on Repeated Collaboration", Academy of Management Journal, 51 (6):1117-1149. Link to Paper , Journal link
  • Cater, J. J. & Schwab, A. (2008) "Turnaround Strategies in Established Small Family Firms", Family Business Review, 21 (1):31-50. Link to Paper , Journal link
  • Schwab, A. (2009) "Learning from Broadcasts of Project Participation: Selection of Second-Tier Actors during Project Venture Formation in the Movie Industry, 1931-40.", Strategic Organization, 7 (2):137-181. Link to Paper , Journal link
  • Schwab, A. (2007) "Incremental Organizational Learning from Multilevel Information Sources: Evidence for Cross-Level Interactions", Organization Science, 18 (2):233-251. Link to Paper , Journal link
  • Miner, A. S., Haunschild, P. R. & Schwab, A. (2003) "Experience and Convergence: Curiosities and Speculation", Industrial and Corporate Change, 12 (4):789-813. Link to Paper , Journal link
  • Olson, C. A. & Schwab, A. (2000) "The Performance Effects of Interorganizational Human Resource Practices: The Case of Professional Baseball, 1919-1940", Industrial Relations, 39 (4):553-577. Link to Paper , Journal link