Ivy Profile

profile image of David Cantor

David Cantor

Title: Ruan Chair in Supply Chain Management / Professor
Department: Supply Chain Management
Office: 3436 Gerdin

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Academic History

  • Ph.D., Supply Chain Management, University of Maryland, 2006


  • Environmental Management
  • Motor Carrier Safety
  • Behavioral Operations Management

Selected Publications

  • Mukandwal, P., Cantor, D.E. & Laczniak, R. (forthcoming) "Consumer Awareness of Environmentally Irresponsible Sourcing Practices: An Intentionality and Motive Perspective", Journal of Supply Chain Management,
  • Choi, I., Cantor, D., Han, K., & George, J. F. (2024) "Dual Pathways of Value Creation from Digital Strategic Posture: Contingent Effects of Competitive Actions and Environmental Uncertainty", MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, 48 (1):409-426. Link to Paper
  • Hofer, C., D'Oria, L., Cantor, D. E., & Ren, X. (2023) "Competitive actions and supply chain relationships: How suppliers’ value-diminishing actions affect buyers’ procurement decisions", Journal of Business Logistics, 44 (4):719-740. Link to Paper
  • Farhan, M., Krejci, C. C., & Cantor, D. E. (2023) "Do a non-core worker’s procedural justice concerns influence their engagement in helping behavior? A Multi-Method Study", International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Link to Paper
  • Guntuka, L., Cantor, D., & Corsi, T (2024) "Recovery from Plant-Level Supply Chain Disruptions: Supply Chain Complexity and Business Continuity Management", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 44 (1):1-31. Link to Paper
  • Scott, A., Li, M., Cantor, D. E., & Corsi, T. M., (2023) "Do Voluntary Environmental Programs Matter? Evidence from the EPA SmartWay Program", Journal of Operations Management, 69 (2):284-304. Link to Paper
  • Overstreet, R. E., Cantor, D. E., & Laczniak, R. N. (2023) "Consumer Reactions to Incidents within a Retailer’s Supply Chain: A Collective Reputations Perspective", Transportation Journal, 62 (2):101-143. Link to Paper
  • Elking, I., Cantor, D. E., & Hofer, C. (2022) "The Impact of Supplier Innovation on Buyer Innovation and the Moderating Effects of Geographic Distance, Financial Interdependence, and Technical Similarity", Journal of Strategy and Management, 15 (4):571-589. Link to Paper
  • Singh, P., Cantor, D.E., Grimm, C.M., Hofer, C., & Elking, I. (2020) "Do Firms Spend More on Suppliers That Have Environmental Expertise? An Empirical Study of U.S. Manufacturers’ Procurement Spend.", Journal of Business Logistics, 41 (2):19. Link to Paper
  • Modi, S.B & Cantor, D.E. (2021) "How Coopetition Influences Environmental Performance: Role of Financial Slack, Leverage, and Leanness", Production and Operations Management, 30 (7):22. Link to Paper
  • Kumar, A., Cantor, D.E., & Grimm, C.M. (2019) "The Impact of Supplier’s Environmental Management Concerns on a Buyer’s Environmental Reputation", Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 122:448-462. Link to Paper
  • Cantor, D.E. & Jin, Y. (2019) "Theoretical and Empirical Evidence of Behavioral and Production Line Factors That Influence Helping Behavior", Journal of Operations Management, 65 (4):312-332. Link to Paper