Ivy Profile

profile image of Jonathan Phares

Jonathan Phares

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Supply Chain Management
Office: 3218 Gerdin

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Jonathan Phares, PhD (University of Arkansas, 2021) is an Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management at Iowa State University's Debbie and Jerry Ivy College of Business. His research focuses on the impacts of policy and markets on transportation and healthcare operations. Jonathan has published in the Journal of Business Logistics and Business Horizons, and is a fellow in the University of Arkansas Supply Chain Policy Initiative. Prior to joining academia, he spent over a decade in operational and strategic supply chain management leadership roles for a large retailer.

Academic History

  • Ph.D., Supply Chain Management, University of Arkansas, 2021
  • MBA, The Pennsylvania State University, 2016
  • BSBA, Operations Management, The Ohio State University, 2012

Academic Work Experience

Assistant Professor
Iowa State University
2021 -


  • Supply chain policy
  • Healthcare operations
  • Trucking
  • Retail supply chain
  • Supply chain integration

Selected Publications

  • Miller, J. W., Phares, J., & Burks, S. V. (forthcoming) "Job Gain and Job Loss Dynamics in the Truck Transportation Industry", Journal of Business Logistics,
  • Phares, J., & Balthrop, A. (2022) "Investigating the role of competing wage opportunities in truck driver occupational choice", Journal of Business Logistics, 43 (2):265-289. Link to Paper
  • Phares, J., & Richey Jr, R. G. (2021) "Planned disruption and unintended consequences: Postponement by strategy vs. intervention in the US beer supply chain", Business Horizons, 64 (3):369-377. Link to Paper
  • Phares, J., Dobrzykowski, D. D., & Prohofsky, J. (2021) "How policy is shaping the macro healthcare delivery supply chain: The emergence of a new tier of retail medical clinics", Business Horizons, 64 (3):333-345. Link to Paper