Ivy Profile

profile image of Lingyao (Ivy) Yuan

Lingyao (Ivy) Yuan

Title: Kingland Systems Director of Graduate Education for Business Analytics / Associate Professor
Department: Information Systems and Business Analytics
Office: 3348 Gerdin

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Academic History

  • Ph.D., Information Systems, Indiana University, 2015
  • BS, Information Management & Information Systems, University of International Business and Economics, 2009
  • MS, Information Technology, University of North Carolina Charlotte, 2011


  • Digital Humans
  • Aritificial Intelligence
  • Non-rational Decision Making
  • Augmented Intelligence
  • Electronic Commerce
  • NeuroIS

Professional Licenses and Certifications

Graduate Certificate in Information Security and Assurance
Graduate Certificate in Management Information Systems

Selected Publications

  • Yuan, L., Sun, T., Dennis, A. R., & Zhou, M. (forthcoming) "Perception is Reality? Understanding User Perceptions of Chatbox-Inferred Versus Self-Reported Personality Traits", Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans, 2 (1)Link to Paper
  • Yuan, L. & Dennis, A.R. (2024) "Selling Myself: Anthropomorphic Products in Electronic Commerce", Decision Support Systems, 177:Article 114101. Link to Paper
  • Seymour, M., Riemer, K., Yuan, L., & Dennis, A. R. (2023) "Beyond Deep Fakes: Conceptual framework and research agenda for neural rendering of realistic digital faces", Communications of the ACM, 66 (10):56-67. Link to Paper
  • Seymour, M., Lovallo, D., Riemer, K., Dennis, A. R., & Yuan, L. (2023) "AI with a Human Face-the case for-and against-digital employees", Harvard Business Review, 101 (3-4):49-54. Link to Paper
  • Paul, S., Yuan, L., Jain, H. K., Robert Jr, L. P., Spohrer, J., & Lifshitz-Assaf, H. (2022) "Intelligence Augmentation: Human Factors in AI and Future of Work", AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 14 (3):426-445. Link to Paper
  • Seymour, M., Yuan, L. I., Dennis, A., & Riemer, K. (2021) "Have We Crossed the Uncanny Valley? Understanding Affinity, Trustworthiness, and Preference for Realistic Digital Humans in Immersive Environments.", Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 22 (3)
  • Yuan, L., & Dennis, A. R. (2019) "Acting Like Humans? Anthropomorphism and Consumer’s Willingness to Pay in Electronic Commerce.", Journal of Management Information Systems, 36 (2):450-477. Link to Paper
  • Sul, H. K., Dennis, A. R., & Yuan, L. (2016) "Trading on Twitter: Using Social Media Sentiment to Predict Stock Returns", Decision Sciences, 48 (3):454-488. Link to Paper
  • Yuan, L. I., & Dennis, A. R. (2016) "The Happiness Premium: The Impact ofEmotion on Individuals' Willingness to Pay in Online Auctions", AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, (3):74-87. Link to Paper
  • Bartelt, V. L., Dennis, A. R., Yuan, L., & Barlow, J. B. (2013) "Individual Priming in Virtual Team Decision-Making", Group Decision and Negotiation, 22 (5):873-896. Link to Paper