Ivy Profile

profile image of Manjot Bhussar

Manjot Bhussar

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Management and Entrepreneurship
Office: 3338 Gerdin

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Academic History

  • Ph.D., Management, Auburn University, 2018
  • MBA, Management, Auburn University at Montgomery, 2013
  • B.E, Electronics and Communications, Thapar University, India, 2007


  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Downsizing
  • Corporate Entrepreneurship
  • Corporate Restructuring

Selected Publications

  • Bhussar, M.S., Zorn., M.L., Adams, G.L., & Silvera, G (2025) "Tug of War? Exploring the Role of Acquirer and Target CEO-Level Acquisition Experience in Deal Completion", Journal of Business Research, 186:115021. Link to Paper
  • Bhussar, M.S., Sexton, J.C., Song, Y., & Zorn, M.L. (2021) "High-tech acquisitions: How acquisition pace, venture maturity, and founder retention influence firm innovation", Journal of Business Research, 142:620-635. Link to Paper
  • Zorn, M. L., Norman, P.M., Butler, F.C., Bhussar, M.S. (2017) "Cure or curse: Does downsizing increase the likelihood of bankruptcy?", Journal of Business Research, 76:24-33. Link to Paper
  • Zorn, M.L., Sexton, J.C., Bhussar, M.S., Lamont, B.T. (2017) "Unfinished Business: Nested Acquisitions, Managerial Capacity, and Firm Performance", Journal of Management, :1-29. Link to Paper