Ivy Profile

Title: Dean's Professor in Supply Chain Management / Espeland International Fellow / Professor
Department: Supply Chain Management
Office: 3347 Gerdin
Academic History
- Ph.D., Operations Management, Michigan State University, 2001
- BBA, Management Information Systems Concentration, University of Notre Dame, 1991
- Sustainability
- Supply Chains and Human Flourishing
- Environmentally Responsible Manufacturing (ERM)
- Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
Professional Licenses and Certifications
Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management
Certified in Integrated Resource Management
Certified Professional in Supply Management
Certified Supply Chain Professional
Selected Publications
- Song, F., Modi, S., Montabon, F., Xu, Y., & Blackhurst, J. (2024) "Improving Suppliers’ Environmental Performance: The Role of Environmental Engagement and Relationship Asymmetries", International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 17 (3-4):239-276. Link to Paper
- Zhuang, Y., & Montabon, F. (forthcoming) "Responding to Direct and Indirect Regulatory Pressure With Sustainable Supply Chain Practices", International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 17 (3-4):209-238.
- Zhuang, Y., Denizel, M. & Montabon, F. (2023) "Examining Firms’ Sustainability Frontier: Efficiency in Reaching the Triple Bottom Line", Sustainability, 15 (11):8871. Link to Paper
- Weeks, K., Montabon, F., and Kenyon, G. (2022) "Extending Green Supply Chain Practices through Automation: Multinational Best Practices", International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 21 (2):119–160. Link to Paper
- Arda, O., Montabon, F., Tatoglu, E., Golgeci, I. and Zaim, S. (2023) "Toward a holistic understanding of sustainability in corporations: Resource-based view of sustainable supply chain management", Supply Chain Management, 28 (2):193-208. Link to Paper
- Sadiq Jajja, M. S., Asif, M., Montabon, F., Chatha, K. A. (2020) "The indirect effect of social responsibility standards on organizational performance in apparel supply chains: A developing country perspective", Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Link to Paper
- Dai, J., Cantor, D., Montabon, F. (2017) "Examining Corporate Environmental Proactivity and Operational Performance: A Strategy-Structure-Capabilities-Performance Perspectivewithin a Green Context", International Journal of Production Economics, 193:272-280. Link to Paper
- Montabon, F., Daugherty, P., Chen, H. (2018) "Setting Standards for Single Respondent Survey Design", Journal of Supply Chain Management, 54 (1):35-41. Link to Paper
- Dai, J., Cantor, D., and Montabon, F. (2015) "How Environmental Management Competitive Pressure Affects a Focal Firm’s Environmental Innovation Activities: A Green Supply Chain Perspective", Journal of Business Logistics, 36 (3):242 - 259. Link to Paper
- Montabon, F., Morrow, P., and Cantor, D. (2016) "Promoting Environmental Citizenship Behavior", International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 10 (1):63-88. Link to Paper
- Montabon, F., Pagell, M., Wu, Z. (2016) "Making Sustainability Sustainable", Journal of Supply Chain Management, 52 (2):11-27. Link to Paper
- Watson, K., and Montabon, F. (2014) "A ranking of supply chain management journals based on departmental lists", International Journal of Production Research, 52 (14):4364-4377. Link to Paper
- Suzuki, Y., Montabon, F., & Lu, S. H. (2014) "DSS of vehicle refueling: A new enhanced approach with fuel weight considerations", Decision Support Systems, 68:15-25. Link to Paper