Ivy Profile

Title: Thome Professor in Business and Interim Chair, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship / Professor
Department: Management and Entrepreneurship / Administration
Office: 2353 Gerdin
Scott Johnson earned his PhD at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota and is now a Professor in the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship at the Ivy College of Business at Iowa State University. He teaches courses in Strategic Management and Professional Ethics. He has published in journals such as the Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management and Journal of Management Studies. His research focuses on corporate governance, managerial cognition, the philosophy of science and research methods. He is particularly interested in improving how the theories and methodologies used in governance research represent the complexity of real organizations.
Academic History
- Ph.D. , Strategic Management and Organization, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, 2005
- MBA, Finance and International Business, Broad College of Business, Michigan State University, 1999
- BS, Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Colorado, 1991
- Corporate Governance
- Research Methods
- Philosophy of Science
Selected Publications
- Johnson, S. G., Hart, T. A., & Fox, C. J. (2023) "Article impact of the Financial Times 50 management journals", International Social Science Journal, 73 (250):1057-1078. Link to Paper
- Hill A.D., Johnson S.G., Greco L.M., O'Boyle E.H. & Walter S.L. (2021) "Endogeneity: A review and agenda for the methodology-practice divide affecting micro and macro research", Journal of Management, 47 (1):105-143. Link to Paper
- Ridge J.W., Johnson, S., Hill, A. D. & Bolton, J. (2017) "The role of top management team attention in new product introductions", Journal of Business Research, 70:17-24. Link to Paper
- Schnatterly, K., & Johnson, S. (2014) "Independent boards and the institutional investors that prefer them: Drivers of institutional investor heterogeneity in governance preferences", Strategic Management Journal, Link to Paper
- Harris, J., Johnson, S., & Souder, D. (2013) "Model-Theoretic Knowledge Accumulation: The Case of Agency Theory and Incentive Alignment", Academy of Management Review, Link to Paper
- Johnson, S., Schnatterly, K. & Hill, A. (2013) "Board Composition beyond Independence: Social Capital, Human Capital and Demographics", Journal of Management, Link to Paper
- Souder, D., Simsek, Z., & Johnson, S. (2012) "The Differing Effects of Agent and Founder CEOs on the Firm’s Market Expansion", Strategic Management Journal, Link to Paper
- Johnson, S., Schnatterly, K., Bolton, J. & Tuggle, C. (2011) "Antecedents of New Director Social Capital", Journal of Management Studies, Link to Paper
- DeGroot, T., Aime F., Johnson S. (2011) "Does Talking the Talk help Walking the Walk? An Examination of the Effect of Vocal Attractiveness in Leader Effectiveness", Leadership Quarterly, Link to Paper
- Johnson, R., Schnatterly, K., Johnson, S., Chiu, S. (2010) "Institutional Investors and Institutional Environment: A Comparative Analysis and Review", Journal of Management Studies, 47 (8):1590-1613. Link to Paper
- Maloney, M., Johnson, S., Zellmer-Bruhn, M. (2010) "Assessing Group-Level Constructs Under Missing Data Conditions: A Monte Carlo Simulation", Small Group Research, 41 (3):281-307. Link to Paper
- Aime, F., Johnson, S., Hill, A. D., & Ridge, J. W. (2010) "The Routine May Be Stable but the Advantage is Not: Competitive Implications of Key Employee Mobility", Strategic Management Journal, 31 (1):75-87. Link to Paper