
Master of Real Estate Development Info Session

2446 Gerdin Business Building 2167 Union Drive, Ames, IA, United States

Join us on January 25 for an information session about the master of real estate development (MRED) program. We’ll talk about the advantages of a graduate degree, career outcomes, and earnings potential of students who earn a graduate degree.

Career Fair Prep Super Day

Business Career Services, 1320 Gerdin Business Building 2167 Union Drive, Ames, IA, United States

Get ready for the career fair! Drop by Business Career Services on February 1 to review your resume, practice your elevator pitch, develop a career fair strategy, and more.

HCM Career Conversations

2446 Gerdin Business Building 2167 Union Drive, Ames, IA, United States

Join us on February 5 for HCM Career Conversations! The event includes a panel discussion with employers and time for networking and resume sharing.

Fin + Tech Career Night

Gerdin Business Building 2167 Union Drive, Ames, IA, United States

Join us on February 6 for Fin + Tech Career Night! This come-and-go style event is designed for exchanging resumes, information gathering, and networking with employers.

Career Fair Breakfast

Johnny's At Hilton Coliseum 1705 Center Drive, Ames, United States

Enjoy breakfast with employers as you gear up for the Business, Industry and Technology Career Fair. Build relationships and practice professional communication and networking skills.

Business, Industry and Technology Career Fair

Hilton Coliseum 1705 Center Drive, Ames, IA, United States

Connect with hundreds of employers at the Business, Industry and Technology Career Fair on February 7 at Iowa State University. The career fair is open to all Iowa State University students and alumni as well as other job seekers.

Interview Day

Memorial Union 2229 Lincoln Way, Ames

This invitation-only event provides employers an opportunity to interview students for internships and full-time jobs. Employers will invite students to interview as a follow-up to conversations had at one of the career nights or the Business, Industry and Technology Career Fair.

Virtual Interview Practice (VIP)

Virtual Event

Polish your interview skills and build your confidence with Virtual Interview Practice on February 14. You’ll practice interviewing virtually with a real employer — experience that will help you prepare for future interviews.

Finance Speaker Series: Xing Huang

2446 Gerdin Business Building 2167 Union Drive, Ames, IA, United States

The Department of Finance is pleased to welcome Xing Huang for a Finance Speaker Series lecture on February 23. Huang is an associate professor of finance at the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis.

Learn at Lunch: Leading in a Changing Workplace Environment with Matt Winkleman

Ivy College of Business Suite, Capital Square 400 Locust Street, Suite 160, Des Moines, IA, United States

Join us for a professional development opportunity on February 29 in downtown Des Moines. Nationwide executive Matt Winkleman will highlight some of the best practices and lessons learned from his experience leading in a changing workplace environment.

Management and Entrepreneurship Speaker Series: Laszlo Tihanyi

2446 Gerdin Business Building 2167 Union Drive, Ames, IA, United States

The Department of Management and Entrepreneurship is pleased to welcome Laszlo Tihanyi for a Management and Entrepreneurship Speaker Series lecture on March 1. The lecture is open to the public with no charge for admission.