The Ivy College of Business is proud to honor the exceptional work of our dedicated faculty, staff, and alumni. Anyone may nominate a staff member for an award. All faculty nominations must go through the department chair of the nominee.

Awards for alumni and friends

Ivy Award

Established in 2018, the Ivy Award is the highest honor bestowed by the Ivy College of Business. Honoring our namesake donors, it is presented to an individual, family, or organization in recognition of their exceptional career achievements and service to the college.

Citation of Achievement Award

Established in 1985, this award honors distinguished alumni who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in life beyond the campus.

Russ and Ann Gerdin Award

Established in 2009, this award honors contributions from valuable corporate partners or individuals who are not Ivy College of Business graduates.

John D. DeVries Service Award

Established in 1985 to recognize individuals who have demonstrated outstanding service to the Ivy College of Business.

ISU Alumni Association Awards University Due Date
Alumni Medal 2/15 Annually
Alumni Merit Award 2/15 Annually
Alumni Service Award 2/15 Annually
Impact Award 2/15 Annually
James A. Hopson Alumni Volunteer Award 2/15 Annually
Outstanding Young Alumni Award 2/15 Annually
Distinguished Alumni Award 8/1 Annually
Honorary Alumni Award 8/1 Annually
Faculty/Staff Inspiration Award 12/1 Annually
Iowa STATEment MAKERS 12/1 Annually
Wallace E. Barron All University Senior Award 12/1 Annually

University faculty awards

University P&S awards

ISU Foundation awards

Ivy College of Business

Gerdin Business Building
2167 Union Drive
Ames, IA 50011