Faculty and Staff Committees

Membership: Three tenured/tenure-eligible faculty or non-tenure-eligible faculty members with college voting rights, two undergraduate students, an Associate Dean and a designated individual from undergrad advising office.

  1. Tapp, Michele (UNDERGRAD), Non-Voting
  2. Salotti, Valentina (FIN/ADMIN), Non-Voting
  3. Pistilli, Kelly (UNDERGRAD), Non-Voting

University Honors Committee representative determined at the first meeting.

Chair: Faculty member elected by voting members of the committee – represents the College on the Faculty Senate Academic Standards and Admissions Committee.

Term of voting members: No more than two new faculty members appointed in any one year.

Membership: One tenured/tenure-eligible or NTE faculty (with college voting rights) member representing each of the primary undergraduate majors (note: except Business Econ); the associate deans serve as non-voting members.

  1. Bootsma, Michael (ACCT), Chair
  2. Bellville, Amber (SCM), Member
  3. Kraft, Bruce (FIN), Member
  4. Watt, John (MGMT), Member
  5. Bhussar, Manjot (MGMT), Member
  6. Mueller, Brandon (MGMT), Member
  7. Fleming, Susan (MKT), Member
  8. Komodromou, Janell (MGMT), Member
  9. Dennis, Alec (IS), Member
  10. Mao, Huifang (/MKT), Non-Voting

Chair: Elected by voting members of the committee—serves on the Faculty Senate Outcomes Assessment Committee.

Term of voting members: Faculty, two-year staggered (no more than four new members appointed in any one year).

Membership: Dean (chair), Associate Dean(s), department chairs, Chair of Faculty Executive Committee, and Faculty Senate Caucus Chair.

  1. Mao, Huifang (/MKT), Member
  2. Black, Dirk (ADMIN), Member
  3. Duong, Truong (FIN), Member
  4. Janvrin, Diane (ACCT), Member
  5. Chen, Haozhe (SCM/ADMIN), Member
  6. Montabon, Frank (SCM), Member
  7. Johnson, Scott (MGMT/ADMIN), Member
  8. Salotti, Valentina (FIN/ADMIN), Member
  9. Scheibe, Kevin (IS/ADMIN), Member
  10. Spalding, David (FIN/ADMIN), Chair
  11. Raju, Sekar (MKT/ADMIN), Member

Membership: Three tenured/tenure-eligible faculty (no more than two from same dept.), three students (two undergrads, one grad), the Information Technology Manager and an Associate Dean

  1. Buttery, Gregory (TECH/ADMIN), Non-Voting
  2. Schwab, Andreas (MGMT), Non-Voting
  3. Mao, Huifang (/MKT), Non-Voting

Chair: Faculty member elected by voting members of the committee—represents the college on the University Committee on the Advancement of Student Technology for Learning Enhancement (CASTLE)

Term of voting members: Faculty, two year staggered (no more than two new members appointed in any one year); students, until the end of current academic year, renewable.

Membership: Six tenured/tenure-eligible faculty or NTE faculty with college voting rights, one from each dept., an Associate Dean, Directors of Graduate Programs, and an individual from each the undergrad and graduate advising offices (non-voting).

  1. Kohnke, Emily (SCM), Member
  2. Goreczny, Ashley (MKT), Member
  3. Mishra, Abhay (IS), Member
  4. Moon, Chris (ACCT), Member
  5. Larson, Stephanie (UNDERGRAD), Non-Voting
  6. Salotti, Valentina (FIN/ADMIN), Non-Voting
  7. Wilson, Sarah (GRAD), Non-Voting
  8. Sapp, Travis (FIN), Member
  9. Howe, Michael (MGMT), Member
  10. Burright, Diann (UNDERGRAD), Non-Voting

Chair: Elected by voting members of the committee – represents the college on the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee.

The Associate Dean responsible for Graduate Programs represents the college on the Graduate College Curriculum Committee.

Term of voting members: Faculty, two year staggered (no more than three new members appointed in any one year).

Membership: Six tenured/tenure-eligible faculty or NTE faculty (one from each department), the Ivy College Equity Advisor, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and the Ivy College DMSS.

  1. Talley, Brady L. (UNDERGRAD), Member
  2. Salotti, Valentina (FIN/ADMIN), Member
  3. Feng, Hui (Sophia) (MKT), Chair

Chair: The Ivy College Equity Advisor serves as chair.

Membership: DOGE for the Ph.D. Program, all members of active doctoral area committees, and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs (non-voting).

  1. Howard, Michael (MGMT), Chair
  2. Mao, Huifang (/MKT), Non-Voting

Chair: DOGE for the Ph.D. Program.

Term of members: Members serve for the duration of their appointments as Ph.D. program chair, area committee member or associate dean for graduate programs.

Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Team (EPPT)

  1. Overstreet, Robert (SCM), Member
  2. Joens, Chris (ADMIN), Member
  3. Croxdale, Jim (MGMT), Member
  4. Allen, Ian (UNDERGRAD), Chair
  5. Talley, Brady L. (UNDERGRAD), Member

Membership: Six tenured/tenure-eligible faculty, one from each of the college’s six departments.

  1. Guo, Feng (Jason) (ACCT), Member
  2. Crecelius, Andrew (MKT), Member
  3. Zhu, Dan (IS), Chair
  4. Cantor, David (SCM), Member
  5. Parhankangas, Annaleena (MGMT), Member
  6. Wang, Xiaolu (FIN), Member

Chair: Elected by voting members of the committee – represents the College on the University Faculty Senate Recognition and Development Committee.

Term of voting members: Faculty, two year staggered (no more than three new members appointed in any one year).

Membership: All College of Business Faculty Senators plus the FEC Chair and two At-large members. All members vote

  1. Denizel, Meltem (SCM), Member
  2. Townsend, Anthony (IS), Member
  3. Janvrin, Diane (ACCT), Caucus Chair
  4. Montabon, Frank (SCM), Chair
  5. Jia, Yonghong (ACCT), Member
  6. Perkins, Jon (ACCT), At-Large
  7. Cowan, Arnold (FIN), Member

Chair: elected by the general faculty

Term of voting members: Faculty Senators, three year staggered; FEC Chair, two years (calendar year basis).

Membership: Three tenured/tenure-eligible faculty or NTE faculty with college voting rights.  Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and the Study Abroad Coordinator for the college serve as non-voting members.

  1. Salotti, Valentina (FIN/ADMIN), Non-Voting
  2. Shire, Taylor (ADMIN), Non-Voting

Chair: Elected by voting members of the committee.

Study Abroad Coordinator represents the college on the Education Abroad Committee and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs represents the college on the Council on International Programs (CIP).

Term: Two-year appointment.

Membership: Business faculty teaching the MBA core courses

  1. Salotti, Valentina (FIN/ADMIN), Non-Voting
  2. Chamberlin, Melissa (MGMT), Chair

Chair: Elected by voting members of the team.

Terms: Normally three years and are renewable. No more than three new Core Team members appointed in any one year.

Membership: Six tenured faculty with the rank of full professor or higher (one from each dept.); elected by their department (tenured faculty with rank of full professor or higher)

  1. Schleicher, Deidra (MGMT), Member
  2. Wang, Xiaolu (FIN), Member
  3. Cantor, David (SCM), Member
  4. Chen, Rui (Ray) (IS), Member
  5. Janvrin, Diane (ACCT), Member

Chair: Elected by the committee members.

Term: One-year appointment.

Ivy College of Business

Gerdin Business Building
2167 Union Drive
Ames, IA 50011