Our students are gaining confidence and employability skills while helping Iowa State and area community members. It is a win-win.
Chris Moon, associate teaching professor of accounting and coordinator of the VITA program
Appointments are now available to the public
Iowa State University students offer free tax preparation services each year, a service that is open to the public. They do this work annually as part of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offered through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
The program seeks to assist those with limited means, persons with disabilities, the elderly, and taxpayers who are new to the United States and need assistance. The student volunteers are IRS-certified volunteers who provide free basic income tax return preparation, including electronic filing.
“VITA provides our students with real-life experience. They work one-on-one with their own clients, preparing tax returns while the taxpayer is at the clinic,” said Chris Moon, associate teaching professor of accounting and coordinator of the program. “VITA provides a valuable service to our community. Tax returns are prepared for eligible individuals free of charge at our clinic. Our students are gaining confidence and employability skills while helping Iowa State and area community members. It is a win-win.”
Program details
Who: Taxpayers with household incomes of $67,000 or less are eligible for basic return preparation services. This service is limited to taxpayers who are within the scope limitations set out by the IRS.
When: The service is offered from February 10 through April 10, except for the week when Iowa State observes spring break (March 17–21). The service is available Monday through Thursday nights.
How: Members of the public, including those in the Iowa State community, can begin scheduling appointments now at the following link: https://calendly.com/vita-isucampus
Where: The VITA clinic is located in the Gerdin Business Building on the Iowa State campus. There are alternative sites at the following locations:
- Ames Public Library
- Story City Library
- Nevada Public Library
- Des Moines Area Community College – Boone campus
Please see the limitations here: Scope of Service.
January 23, 2025