Business Learning Teams

Learning communities are small groups of students who generally take one, two, or three courses together during their first semester at Iowa State University. Through your learning community, you’ll make connections with students who have similar academic goals, learn about university resources, engage in career exploration, and receive support and guidance from a peer mentor. Learning communities are designed to ease your transition to college life at Iowa State and the Ivy College of Business.
Business learning teams
The Ivy College of Business proudly offers a learning community experience each fall to transfer students and all incoming first-year students through the Business Learning Team (BLT) program. Business learning teams (BLTs) pair groups of incoming students with experienced Ivy student leaders who serve as peer mentors to teams of 10-12 students in Bus Ad 1020, a required orientation course. You’ll sit with your team in class to engage in discussion and activities. Connections and community naturally form through this in-class engagement.
Outside of class, you will be asked to meet with your peer mentor during the beginning of the fall semester to get to know each other. This meeting provides a great opportunity to discuss how things are going so far, ask individualized questions, and learn more about all that Ivy has to offer. Additional outside-of-class activities are offered throughout the fall to support career and major exploration. Peer mentors also assist students with developing a graduation plan.
All incoming first-year students are enrolled in a Business Learning Team during the new student orientation process. Business Learning Teams are not connected to your on-campus housing.
Peer mentors
Want to help new students make a successful transition to the Ivy College of Business? Apply to become a Business Learning Team Peer Mentor.
Required Qualifications:
- Ivy College of Business student.
- Cumulative Iowa State GPA of 2.50 or higher.
- Successful completion of Bus Ad 1020/1030 or other Iowa State orientation course.
- Ability to interact with a wide range of individuals.
- Openness and commitment to fostering the exploration of new ideas.
- Ability to positively reflect the Ivy College of Business and Iowa State.
- Working knowledge of college and university policies and procedures.
- Ability to present information to large and small groups.
Lead peer mentor job description
Lead peer mentor job description
2025 Business Learning Team (BLT) Lead Peer Mentor Job Description
Spring 2025
- Lead Peer Mentor Training, approximately one hour/week in February and March.
- Assist in planning and preparing for New BLT Peer Mentor Training, approximately one hour/week in February and March.
- Attend and present at New Peer Mentor Training on Saturday, April 26, 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
- Assist in planning and preparing for All Peer Mentor Training, Business Learning Team Kickoff, BUSAD 1020, Ivy Major Fair, and social activities, approximately one hour/week in April.
- Assist in creating hype letter/video to share with incoming students in July.
Summer 2025
- Create a video introduction to share with learning team members new to Iowa State by mid-August.
- Attend Lead Peer Mentor Meeting (Friday, August 15, from 9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.) to assist in planning and preparing for All Peer Mentor Training (Wednesday, August 20, 8:00 a.m.–noon) and Business Learning Team Kickoff (Sunday, August 24, 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.).
- Attend All Peer Mentor Training, Wednesday, August 20, 8:00 a.m.–noon.
- Attend Business Learning Team Kickoff, Sunday, August 24, 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
- Complete required onboarding/payroll requirements in WorkDay.
Fall 2025
- Attend weekly/biweekly Lead BLT Peer Mentor meetings with BLT program coordinators.
- Assist in leading weekly BLT Peer Mentor staff meetings with BUSAD 1020 instructor.
- Provide periodic training/professional development to other peer mentors on your team as needed.
- BUSAD 1020 course responsibilities:
- Attend/participate in class.
- Present information to/share experiences with the class.
- Grade assignments, enter attendance in Canvas.
- Facilitate Team Time discussions/activities.
- Other duties as assigned by an instructor.
- Meet with a team of mentees within the first 2-3 weeks of the semester.
- Organize outside-of-class activities for team to interact, build connections, and foster study groups.
- Promptly respond to requests from team members, BLT coordinator, and BUSAD 1020 instructor.
- Communicate regularly with team members to share information about BUSAD 1020 course and activities/announcements pertaining to BLT, Ivy, and Iowa State.
- Attend periodic training sessions as needed.
- Be familiar with/serve as a reference regarding college and university policies and procedures.
- Support and represent the Ivy College of Business Professional Standards and Expectations.
Spring 2026 (if available)
- Assist in the recruitment and selection of new BLT Peer Mentors.
Required Qualifications
- Ivy College of Business student with a cumulative Iowa State GPA of 2.50+.
- Must have served as a BLT Peer Mentor for at least one semester.
- Successful completion of BUSAD 1020/1030 or other Iowa State orientation course.
- Support and represent the Ivy College of Business Professional Standards and Expectations.
- Working knowledge of college and university policies, procedures, and resources.
- Ability to facilitate conversations and connect with varied groups of peers.
- Openness and commitment to fostering the exploration of new ideas.
- Willingness to challenge yourself and others as you learn and grow together.
- Desire to make a positive impact and support the retention of all Iowa State students.
Preferred Qualifications
- Two semesters of experience as a BLT Peer Mentor or a combination of other leadership experiences.
- Confidence and ability to establish rapport within peer group of student leaders.
- Ability to problem-solve and respond in the moment to address real-time challenges.
Time Commitment
- During the spring 2025 semester, lead peer mentors can expect to spend approximately one hour/week with BLT program coordinators to prepare for the fall 2025 term.
- During the fall semester, lead peer mentors should expect to spend a total of four to five hours/week completing responsibilities.
- $13.00/hour.
- Peer mentor will accurately report and submit hours in WorkDay in a timely manner.
Peer mentor job description
Peer mentor job description
2025 Business Learning Team (BLT) Peer Mentor Job Description
Spring 2025
- Newly hired peer mentors attend New Peer Mentor Training on Saturday, April 26, 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
Summer 2025
- Attend All Peer Mentor Training Wednesday, August 20, 8:00 a.m.–noon.
- Attend Business Learning Team Kickoff, Sunday, August 24, 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
- Complete required onboarding/payroll requirements in WorkDay.
Fall 2025
- Attend weekly BLT Peer Mentor staff meetings with BUSAD 1020 instructor.
- BUSAD 1020 course responsibilities:
- Attend/participate in class.
- Present information to/share experiences with the class.
- Grade assignments, enter attendance in Canvas.
- Facilitate Team Time discussions/activities.
- Other duties as assigned by the instructor.
- Meet with team of mentees within the first 2-3 weeks of the semester.
- Organize outside-of-class activities for team to interact, build connections, and foster study groups.
- Promptly respond to requests from team members, BLT coordinator, and BUSAD 1020 instructor.
- Communicate regularly with team members to share information about BUSAD 1020 course and activities/announcements pertaining to BLT, Ivy, and Iowa State.
- Attend periodic training sessions as needed.
- Be familiar with/serve as a reference regarding college and university policies and procedures.
- Support and represent the Ivy College of Business Professional Standards and Expectations.
Required Qualifications
- Ivy College of Business student with a cumulative Iowa State GPA of 2.50+.
- Successful completion of BUSAD 1020/1030 or other Iowa State orientation course.
- Support and represent the Ivy College of Business Professional Standards and Expectations.
- Working knowledge of College and University policies, procedures, and resources.
- Ability to facilitate conversations and connect with varied groups of peers.
- Openness and commitment to fostering the exploration of new ideas.
- Willingness to challenge yourself and others as you learn and grow together.
- Desire to make a positive impact and support the retention of all Iowa State students.
Preferred Qualifications
- Experience as a BLT Peer Mentor or combination of other leadership experiences.
- Confidence and ability to establish rapport within peer groups of student leaders.
- Ability to problem-solve and respond in the moment to address real-time challenges.
Time Commitment
- During the fall semester, peer mentors should expect to spend a total of three to five hours/week completing responsibilities.
- $12.00/hour.
- Peer mentor will accurately report and submit hours in WorkDay in a timely manner.
Help new students make a successful transition to Ivy
Connect with us
Undergraduate Student Services
1200 Gerdin Business Building
2167 Union Drive
Ames, Iowa 50011
Questions about BLT?
Contact Business Learning Teams coordinators
Rhaechel Ohge Fritz, Katie Minnihan, or Ellie Schaben.