The doctoral specialization in marketing will train you to be an effective and innovative researcher and teacher. Our program aspires to train you so you are placed in research-oriented universities in the United States or elsewhere.

As a student in our marketing program, you will receive hands-on training in research methods and substantive areas of marketing such as consumer behavior, marketing strategy, and modeling. In addition, your academic experience will be enhanced through active participation in a variety of seminars and conferences.

You are expected to work on research that has the potential to be published in top marketing academic journals. The marketing department has a strong faculty group with diverse research interests that can guide you through this process.

For more information about the marketing specialization curriculum and research opportunities, contact Ju-Yeon Lee.

Arun Swaminathan

My experience since graduating from the Ivy PhD program has been truly rewarding. The global recognition I’ve received for my research and teaching is largely attributed to the solid foundation I acquired at ISU.

Arun Swaminathan, assistant professor, Texas Tech University

Showcasing faculty and PhD student research partnerships

We are proud to showcase the diverse and impressive publications of our current PhD students and recent graduates. Our PhD students are encouraged to publish early with the support, mentorship, and collaboration of ISU faculty. This partnership extends beyond graduation and ensures our students are prepared for successful academic and professional careers.

Research recent collaborations

Meet our faculty

  • profile image of Raj Agnihotri

    Raj Agnihotri

    Morrill Professor, Mary Warner Fellow and Assistant Dean of Industry Engagement, Director of Sales Forum, Professor
    Relational Selling, Digital Selling/Sales Enablement, Social Media in B2B sales process, Salesforce Training
  • profile image of Andrew Crecelius

    Andrew Crecelius

    Associate Professor
    Business-to-business marketing, Multichannel/omnichannel strategy, Sales management, Marketing analytics, Empirical modeling
  • profile image of Hui (Sophia) Feng

    Hui (Sophia) Feng

    Associate Professor
    Marketing Strategy, Marketing Capabilities, Customer Relationship Management, Marketing department Power and Chief Marketing Officer, Marketing-Finance Interface
  • profile image of Ashley Goreczny

    Ashley Goreczny

    Assistant Professor
  • profile image of Taegyu Hur

    Taegyu Hur

    Assistant Professor
    Applied Bayesian Modeling, Quantitative Marketing, Consumer Decision Making, New Product Development
  • profile image of Stephen Kim

    Stephen Kim

    John D. DeVries Endowed Chair in Business, Professor
    Marketing channels and B2B marketing, Franchising, Service marketing
  • profile image of Ju-Yeon Lee

    Ju-Yeon Lee

    John and Connie Stafford Professor in Business, Associate Professor
    Marketing Strategy, Customer Centricity , Business-to-Business Relationships , Business-to-Government Relationships , Digital/Online Channels
  • profile image of Huifang Mao

    Huifang Mao

    Raisbeck Professor in Business and Interim Associate Dean for Research and Academic Personnel, Professor
    Information processing and judgments, Social perceptions, Branding, Construal Level
  • profile image of Sekar Raju

    Sekar Raju

    Gary and Margaret Pint Faculty Fellow and Chair, Department of Marketing, Associate Professor
    Attitude Strength, Advertising Effects, Food choice, Low-income consumers
  • profile image of Sridhar Ramaswami

    Sridhar Ramaswami

    Dapper Faculty Professor in Marketing, CLMP Fellow, Indian School of Business
    Customer Management Issues, Brand Equity and Management, Food labels, socialization and healthiness , Sales Force Control Systems and Performance
  • profile image of Wei Zhang

    Wei Zhang

    Kingland Systems Business Analytics Faculty Fellow, Associate Professor

Meet our doctoral students

Gerdin Business Building

Research at Ivy

Faculty members across every department at the Ivy College of Business consistently contribute to their respective fields by regularly publishing in top journals. Researchers are vital to finding solutions to today’s business challenges.

Apply to the Ivy PhD program

Please select Business and Technology as your major in the online application.

Connect with us

PhD Student Services

1420 Gerdin Business Building
2167 Union Drive
Ames, IA 50011

PhD Student Services Specialist

Emily Meeks
1420 Gerdin Business Building
2167 Union Drive
Ames, IA 5001