Computer Lab at Ivy

As an Ivy College of Business student, you have exclusive access to computers in the Bergstrom Computer Lab. If you have trouble signing on, call the Ivy IT Staff at 515-294-9689 or email

The Steve and Debbie Bergstrom Lab is located in room 1122 Gerdin Business Building. There are 58 workstations available with Ivy College of Business and Iowa State University software. All of the computers run on Windows 10, MS Office 2019 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access), and many other titles. Log into these computers using your ISU netID. In addition, there are 24 monitor hubs with keyboards and mice available for use with your own USB-C compatible device.

Team rooms

Team rooms are available for groups to reserve when working on group projects.

There are instructions for connecting your own device wirelessly to the display on the wall. Power on the display and select Wireless from the wall panel. Gerdin 1114 is equipped with a computer that has the same software available in the main lab.

You must be an Ivy College of Business student or currently enrolled in an Ivy course to reserve a team room. You must use the rooms for teamwork. These are not private study rooms. It is best to reserve the room early in order to get the room at the desired time. You can have the room for a maximum of three hours. Rooms are unlocked during the day. You just need to go to the room at your reservation time. If there is open time in a room, it is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Look for “Log in” in the lower left corner.

Lab hours and policies


Please see the ISU Code of Ethics for general information.

  • Please be responsible with food and drink in the labs (no intense smells, clean-up after yourself, keep lids on drinks).
  • Cell phones should not be used in the labs. Please take extended conversations to the hallway.
  • Save your work to removable media or your network space when you are done. Files that you save on the hard drive may be erased after you log off.
  • Please wear headphones and keep music to reasonable volume so those around you cannot hear it.
  • No games are to be played on lab computers.
  • No pornographic materials are to be displayed on lab computers.

Regular hours

*Labs follow the building hours:
Monday – Thursday 7:00 a.m.-10:30 p.m.
Friday – 7:00 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
Saturday – 7:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Sunday – 11:00 a.m.-10:30 p.m.

Virtual lab

The Ivy College of Business provides a pool of virtual machines with a variety of software to all current business students.

For use on machines in the Gerdin labs and classrooms, there is a link to “Virtual Machine (VM) – Business” in the folder on the desktop called Business Apps. Click the link and select VMware Horizon HTML Access, login, and select the Business icon to start the machine. Instructions for how to connect from non-lab machines are below.

Software installed on virtual lab machines

Alteryx Designer
Anaconda3 (Navigator)
CaseWare IDEA
AnyLogic PLE

Frontline Analytic Solver Platform
MS Office 2019
MS Project

MS Visual Studio Code
MS Visio
Power BI
Py Charm Community
R and R Studio

SAS/Enterprise Miner

Connect Off-Campus

Please remember to logoff of the remote computer via the Start Menu and not just close the window.

Closing the window does not disconnect the session and that computer will not be available for another active session until it times out (20 minutes) or it is administratively rebooted.

Connect to the Iowa State University Virtual Machine for All Students

If you do not need software specific to the College of Business, but would like to connect to the University’s virtual machine for All Students, please click here. For more information visit


Connect to Qualtrics

Log on to
Choose the ”Qualtrics Ivy College of Business” app
Bookmark it:
If you experience problems, please call Ivy IT Support 515-294-9689


Print Quotas

PaperCut Mobility Print in Gerdin

PaperCut Mobility Print allows you to print to printers in the Steve and Debbie Bergstrom Computer Labs in 1122 Gerdin Business Building and the Bergstrom Commons from personal computers and devices including Windows, Mac, Android,  iOS, and more. You will need to be on campus to access the link below.

Download the Mobility Print App

Client requirement

  • Must be NetReg network device (able to access IASTATE wireless network).
  • iOS 9.2+.
  • macOS Yosemite+ 10.10+.
  • Windows 7+.
  • Android 4.4+.
  • Chrome OS with Chrome version 43+.

Printers available in Gerdin

  • Gerdin-1122-lri7653 (west wall near desk on left; B&W only).
  • Gerdin-1122-lri7654 (west wall near desk on right; B&W only).
  • Gerdin-1122-color (east wall center; full color).
  • Gerdin-Commons-Public (east wall of Bergstrom Commons; B&W only).

PaperCut Mobility Cloud Print – Des Moines MBA

PaperCut Mobility Cloud Print allows you to print to printer in Capital Square from personal computers and devices including Windows, Mac, Android,  iOS, and more.

Download the Mobility Cloud Print App


If you are already logged on to a computer, push Control+Alt+Delete. When the menu appears, click on Change Password.

For additional information, contact the ITS Solution Center at 515-294-4000.

Click here

You are not allowed to transfer balances. If you have a group project, the team should share the printing among themselves.

The printers are mapped out for you at log on. You must be an Ivy College of Business student or be enrolled in an Ivy course to print.

To view printers available to you on a Microsoft Windows computer, go to: Start -> Printers

To print from an application, simply go to: File -> Print

See the section labeled “Printing” above for instructions on how to print from your own device.

All students will receive 1,000 base print credits at the beginning of the semester. Requests can be made for additional credits up to 3x per semester.

The charge to print in the Gerdin Business Building is one unit per page (single or double-sided) for black and white pages; 15 units per page (single or double-sided) for color.

Example: 20-page black and white document printed double-sided = 10 units

Example: five page color document printed single-sided = 75 units

Ivy College of Business student groups requested the lower charge for double-sided printing to give students an incentive to conserve paper.

During the log on process, a small window is displayed that shows the remaining quota available. To see your history of printing, click the link at the bottom of the window. Alternatively, you may visit the following website from anywhere to view your print quota and history: Click here

The PaperCut system lets you use network printers in more places and provides a consistent printing experience with any PaperCut printer on campus. While this system will allow you to print in more places, it’s very important to note that most departments outside of the Ivy College of Business will charge a higher unit per page rate than you’ll see in any business computer lab. The standard charge in the Ivy College of Business is one unit per page for black-and-white (single or double-sided). Your print quota will go much further if you print on printers in Gerdin.

If you use your initial 1,000 quota before the end of the semester, you may request additional credits up to 3x per semester.

If you feel that you did not receive your initial quota, please contact the ITS Solution Center at 515-294-4000. If you are experiencing other printing issues, contact the Ivy College of Business IT Support office at 0340 Gerdin. Quotas are reset at the beginning of each term and balances do not carry over.

The quota is not money, nor is it an allocation. The quota is a limit to prevent users from excessive printing. The quota is a privilege for printing and requires users to exercise responsibility with an expensive resource. A good professional will always exercise good stewardship with resources.

Connect with us

Bergstrom Computer Lab Help

1122 Gerdin Business Building
Ames, IA 50011

Ivy Technology Services

0300 Gerdin Business Building
Ames, IA 50011